Universal language…

Today my car broke down, or died, that is yet to be determined. I’m hoping its the former….I’m diligent about oil changes and upkeep, I feel like that has to count for something, right? Of course, the second something goes wrong with the car my brain instantly shuts off, especially when my usual go to, shutting the car engine off, has already happened; and not voluntarily I might add. I turned the key about five times and finally, miraculously the engine begins to hum (with a slight rattle, she’s old, what can I say?). Then the next thing I do, is call one of my best guy friends. He is inside the office I’m trying to flee and he knows how to deal with me during minor attacks of nervousness. We decided I should pass go, not collect my two hundred dollars and head directly to my regular auto garage. On the way there everything seemed to be fine; please note, I had not yet made it out of the street of the office park. I was sitting at the light waiting to turn and then sputter, sputter, quiet. She’s gone and died again. So much so that I couldn’t even put my flashers on. A few calls later, I managed to sweet talk a tow truck driver into coming to get me. For all of you wondering, I will be getting AAA tomorrow!

I am not the kind of person who worries about normal stuff, like the fact that I’m probably going to have to dole out a boatload of cash and I’m inconvenienced by the fact that I don’t have a car…no, I worry about the fact that people are trying to leave work and my car is stuck in a lane hindering their progress. I get stressed out thinking that I might be causing someone else stress because they may have to wait through one extra light.

Thankfully, my new hero arrived about 20 minutes after I called. He looked a little rough around the edges, had glorious locks far curlier, thicker and longer than mine, and was clearly adept at his job, within minutes we were riding along Briarcliff in his tow truck. He spoke Spanish, allowed me to eavesdrop (one of my favorite hobbies) and dished out fatherly wisdom; it was a lovely ride. And then, my day got even luckier than the speedy pick up he had already given me. He forgot to tell me it was a cash only business so he was going to give me a discount to pay with a card at the garage, who would in turn give him his money. BUT, and here’s the lucky part, my friend (see above) who came to pick me up happened to have cash on him and I was able to pay Victor, the tow truck driver, in cash. He took $5 less than he initially quoted me, probably because it was easier for him to take the cash and run. During the transaction he said “that’s fine, there’s no sense in being greedy…it never gets you anywhere.” And that really made me think. He’s so right..in the long run is that $5 going to make or break his day? Most likely it won’t. But, that man got to go home with more money than he expected to make today, made the situation far less stressful for me and left me feeling like there really are some decent people out there (because I wonder about that a lot).

In addition to his comment about greediness never getting you anywhere, tonight on social media someone posted that the universe only gives you as much as you can handle. These two comments seemed to sum up my day today. The latter is something I always believe to be true. I believe that we are given what we have the strength to handle and also that somehow, someway, the things we are most in need of make their way into our lives. They may not always be in the quantity we want or be right in front of our faces but if you start paying attention to this more closely, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. Now that I’ve been introduced to this new thought about greediness, I’m really excited to put this sentiment into practice. I totally agree with him and am shocked that I haven’t considered this before. Once again, the universe is providing advice in the strangest of ways as I continue my journey to finding my purpose.

There’s some hump day wisdom for you…maybe you’ve had a rough week and now can look around for little signs that will make it better. I assure you that once you start doing it, the most amazing things will happen!

Until the next time!


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