Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em (Career Change Guide Part Dos)

Sorry it’s been awhile, I was on vacation and then trying to get acclimated back to the working world… and I was at a bit of a loss with what to write. Trust me, spending days at the beach and nights at the decks is definitely something I could get used to, like right now. But, alas those days will have to be saved for summer vacations in the 603. And the real world is upon me. I’ve decided to use this post as Career Change Guide Part Dos. Mainly because, although its a bit stream of consciousness (more than normal), I think it has an important message.

I’ve been overwhelmed lately. I guess it wouldn’t be fair to invite you into my world and my journey if I don’t plan to be entirely honest, so there it is. Figuring life out is overwhelming. Especially, when you’re trying to be (selectively) open about it and have a lot of people in your life who look out for you and love you and want to give advice. Advice that you have solicited. So although I came back from vacation feeling refreshed; I also came back a bit homesick, feeling a little lonely and feeling a lot overwhelmed with trying to figure out my life and career. I had a meeting with my coach on Tuesday and I was totally unprepared. When I took a vacation, I basically took a vacation from everything. And that included a “break” from my journey. I use quotes because although I didn’t complete any of my assignments including all the research I was supposed to do, I did talk to people about my future and solicited their thoughts. Now, it’s time to start trying to process all of the awesome information and great advice I have received.

After having a few pity parties for myself and feeling blah and overwhelmed, I was not looking forward to my call on Tuesday. And we talked about my least favorite subject, dating. It was totally my choice and at the moment it felt like the lesser of two evils. Dating or Career. So we talked about dating, had some laughs, and then I told her stories about some random dudes I’ve met; like the TreeHouse Masters guys I started chatting with at a Braves game a few weeks ago. After they told me what they did (worked on the TreeHouse Masters TV show), I awkwardly let them know I don’t have cable and have never seen it, oh but wait, I have seen a commercial. Yep, and we wonder why I’m still single! 🙂 One of these TreeHouse Masters dudes, upon hearing where I am from, immediately lifted up his shirt to show me his State of Massachusetts, “Live Free or Die” and State of New Hampshire tattoos, which may actually have trumped my previous awkward comment. So despite my reticence to talk to my coach on Tuesday, it ended up being a rather humorous conversation.  All of this to say  (after my sidebar) that although I still got overwhelmed, I trusted my gut and took a step back. And that act was then confirmed by a professional….it’s kind of nice when you make a wise move, isn’t it!?

So, if you’re in my position, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and give yourself a break, like I said above “know when to fold ’em” (I think that means, know when to take a break-not really up on the poker terms here). You’re not quitting, you’re putting yourself on the bench for a breather. Cut yourself some slack. You’re already making it through life and you know what, that’s a pretty awesome feat. And every once in a while you deserve a break. So there ya go, part dos. Part Dos: KNOW WHEN TO FOLD ‘EM (aka, know when to give yourself a break).



PS-I promise my nest post will be far better organized! Thanks for your patience with my being overwhelmed!



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